TOP GEOs for the Dating Market

In the affiliate world, Dating is one of the most popular verticals. Why? Because of its high profitability, it’s easy for newbie affiliates and/or veterans, and let’s be honest, romance(hookups) sells.

The dating world consists of two main groups: adult and mainstream. Adult offers are dating apps, hookup sites, or a place to flirt, while the mainstream is more focused on finding love in the stereotypical dating site.

If you’re a veteran, you probably already know which Geo’s are hot and which ones aren’t. But for all you newbs out there, keep reading along.

The top results show top-tier locations of US and UK has the most robust engagement with Dating offers. However, these GEOs do not bring in the highest revenue either due to the stiff competition.

What’s a better option to run in?

Although the pay is lower in tier 2 and 3 GEO’s, affiliate marketing tends to do better in these GEOs than the English-speaking Geos. It’s all due to the less competition. We’re not saying don’t use the English-speaking GEOss but also don’t turn your head to the tier 2/3 GEOs either. We always tell you a/b test, so make sure to test multiple GEO’s- we just don’t want you forgetting about the lower tiers to test.

A lot of other countries have a high potential for Dating offers as well. There are great outcomes in tier-2 and tier-3 GEOs because affiliates often overlook them as they tend to stick with English-speaking countries. Because of this, there’s less competition, and you can make a lot of money. Just take the time to try different approaches and test, test, test!

Tip of the day: Test the Europe locations DE, IT, and FR.

Each sub-vertical performs differently. For example, the mainstream may do better in English-speaking countries while the adult does better in tier 2.

If all else fails, and you find yourself getting stuck, reach out to your affiliate manager. They know all the stats on the offers and where to run.