A/B Testing You Need to be Doing on Your Website

A/B Testing on tablet

Optimization on any website is crucial especially in marketing. There is no other way to generate leads, then to check what is working and what isn’t without optimizing your site. But where do you begin?

Do you check the color?

The font?

Or should you just be checking the copywrite?

The answer is ALL OF THE ABOVE.

But before you dive in to optimizing, remember one key factor- you do not need to test every aspect of your website. That would be counterproductive.

Top A/B testing examples:

One: Color

Test different colors. But might we make a suggestion in color choices- always go with a light background and a dark text. It’s what our eyes are most adjusted to.

Two: Font

Go with the traditional fonts. Think back to your school days when the teacher asked you to type a paper. Those fonts work the best. The crazier the fonts, the more distracted the reader is on the writing then what they’re actually reading.

Three: Copywriting

Content is everything. If we could choose one of the most important things to A/B test, this would be it. Words are power. The create engagement, persuasion, interest. You need to be trying out multiple copywrite versions on a regular basis.

Four: Popups

To use or not to use? We say test.  Popups can give a generous amount a leads but if we’re being honest they can also deter your audience away from the page. It needs to have appealing copywrite. Make sure to A/B test your website with popups and without.

Five: Pricing

Experiment with your pricing plans. Believe it or not, different numbers appeal to different people. $9.99 actually does better than $9.97- weird right? The more expensive product appeals to viewers more. It’s because our brains are used to see the $0.99 at the end. Don’t take our word for it though, test it out yourself.

Six: Contact Forms

As strange as this sounds, the placement and the number of fields on your contact form is of extreme importance. Less is more on the contact fields portion. Try out different spots on placing your form as well.

Seven: Checkout Process

The number of steps to the checkout can either make or break you. Single-set checkouts will almost always convert. If you have too many steps, you give your customer too much time to think about canceling. Don’t allow that to happen.

Final Thoughts:

Test, test, test. These aren’t all the optimizations you should be doing on your website, but these are the essential ones in our opinion. Once you see what drives your audience you’ll be guaranteed to gain more leads.