Revolution Force Celebrates FIVE Years

Every year Sean Christian, the owner of Revolution Force, writes a beautiful piece on Revolution Force’s anniversary. This year, we as a team decided to surprise him and give him an anniversary piece. We wanted to share what it has been like for us to work for the company. On July 3, 2020, it will be five years since the creation of Revolution Force. Five years of fun, hustle, laughter, and growth. Years that have been spent bonding business partners and coworkers into a place of family and friends. Here is what a few of the people at Revolution Force had to say:

“All I want to say is in the three years I’ve been part of this company, I’ve never witnessed a job where you as an individual are allowed to speak freely and think without any limits set in place. This is something I’ve never experienced before, and I don’t believe many companies offer such privileges to their employees. It’s also by far the most challenging and adventurous job I’ve ever experienced.

Throughout the years, I have felt an unparalleled form of hospitality, which has resulted in a working environment that truly feels like a family or a second home. Thanks to Revolution Force, I have been able to fly to multiple continents and experience a unique blend between work and adventure.

I am thankful and grateful for every employee whether it be from their training or presenting themselves as true friends.

 California Love.” – Alexei (Senior Affiliate Manager based in Amsterdam)

“A little over a year ago, I was looking to get out of my career as a cosmetologist. I was tired of feeling overworked and underappreciated (I also really hated working weekends). I was fortunate enough to find my way into the Revolution Force family. From the start, I felt like I belonged and was valued for who I am as well as an employee. I feel like an integral part of the team and it has been an awesome experience to learn an entirely new set of skills that suit me well. I never saw myself in an office setting, but this completely different than any other office and definitely have found my weird a$$ family.”- Isha (Accounting and Business Operations based in California).

Jeremy, Vice President of Business Development, says

“Over the past five years, we’ve created a family. A great man once told me, ‘Every now and then it’s ok to eat a donut.'”

 “Growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces working together.”

Carmelo, Vice President of Marketing and Sales, dives a little deeper and shares why he loves his Revolution Force team:

“Fun, enjoyable, gratifying, satisfying, likable, entertaining, and security. These are all words I would use to describe working at Revolution Force. Several of us founded the company five years ago with the intent of not only growing a company, but we specifically wanted a company where everyone feels like family.

Fun & Enjoyable – We’re all fun people who travel to fun destinations and enjoy being around each other.

Gratifying & Satisfying – It is very satisfying and gratifying to use my talents for both problems solving and increasing business development at Revolution Force.

Likable & Entertaining – Everyone is very likable in our company, starting with Sean Christian. You can’t spend 5 minutes around him without being thoroughly entertained.

Security – You never have to be worried about being fired at Christmas, denied vacation time, or harassment of any sort. We are very open-minded, easy-going, and extremely accommodating.

I’m a 45-year-old tech entrepreneur who would be expected to wear khakis and a tucked-in shirt in Silicon Valley. Instead, I come to work in ripped jeans, t-shirts, baseball caps, and let my beard grow however I want. On more than one occasion at lunch with the team, I’ve had people remark that we look like a rock band.

I love working at Revolution Force because it’s a secure work environment with fun people, where I get to travel the world together while staying young at heart. And if you’re young at heart, you’ll never grow old.”

“Simply put, Revolution Force is a great company made of great people! Every day is something new and exciting, and it feels good knowing you have this wonderful group of people by your side to support you. It has been an absolute pleasure working with and getting to know the RF team during my time here, and I am excited to see where the next five years will take us! “– Kat (Affiliate Manager based in California)

“I have been with Revolution Force for the last three years. In that time, I have started new relationships, cultivated existing ones, and grown as a teammate and an individual. Although rewarding, these last three years have been the most challenging of my life. Not only personally, but professionally as well. I am grateful for the Revolution Force family that we have created for being there for me during these times and fostering an environment filled with support, motivation, and care. As our team grows across the world, so does our family, which extends beyond just the people who are employed here. I’m looking at the last five years, it’s easy to look to the next five with such high expectations.”- Tyler( Business Development based in California)

“I started working at Revolution force in July 2018 and I have loved every moment of it. Being around a team of like-minded people who just want to get stuff done has elevated my career. Before I joined, I thought I knew a lot about how this industry worked as I pushed traffic as an affiliate for a long time, but I soon realized how wrong I was. The knowledge I have gained from being on this team not from a business perspective but about life is priceless and I couldn’t think of a better way to spend the last two years. In the last two years, I have seen more of the world than I ever did in my now 21 years of being alive on earth, here’s to the future and growth.” – Tom (Business Intelligence based in the United Kingdom)

“Having worked in the company for about half a year, I can confidently say that this is an amazing company. They are an awesome team to work with, who make it comfortable and pleasant to interact with if there is an issue, task, or question needed to be solved. D*mn, I love this company, and it is a pleasure for me to rock affiliate marketing together-.” Bohdan (Affiliate Manager based in Ukraine)

And finally, there is me, the woman behind these blog posts. I will be forever grateful for being part of a company that respects my opinions and gives me the freedom to run with my creativity. I know I will always have the support from my superiors and someone to help me if I am falling short in an area. There is no “I” in this company; it’s all based as a team. – Lauren

Happy FIVE years Revolution Force family!