Green and pink background with a computer screen image with a dinosaur on the screen.

Whether you’re new to online writing or experienced, SEO can sometimes be overwhelming when creating a new website. With new algorithms continually coming up, it’s hard to stay on top of SEO when you’re juggling half a million other affiliate marking things.

The first step to SEO is to answer what your agenda on your website is? Marketers need to be clear on their agenda: Is it to for audiences to read their content, join their services, or scroll through their pictures? Once that is established, the SEO procedures we’re about to cover need to be carried out regularly.

Steps to follow with SEO:

Keyword research

We CANNOT begin to tell you how vital researching keywords is. If you’re unfamiliar with what keyword research, it’s a core SEO task that identifies popular words or phrases people enter into search engines in an attempt to find something. It’s one of the most critical factors in writing online content.

You should be writing content that ranks high with keywords. HOWEVER, that doesn’t mean you should be stuffing a bunch of keywords into your online content, instead focus on words that can deliver meaningful content to prospective viewers.  

Keywords and content should be relevant to your website at all times.

Don’t forget about your photos

Many people do not realize how critical it is to optimize their website images. When users are looking for something on search engines, they’re not always searching for word content. In some cases, viewers could be searching for an image. If this does happen and your photos are not optimized properly, well then we hate to break it to you, you’ve lost traffic to your site.

What is an example of photo optimization?

Let’s say you have a picture of a dog and his bone. Include the description of the photo in the meta description. This will yield more search results rather than having just a bunch of numbers in the meta.

Keep URLs short

URLs are relevant in SEO because it’s a way for Google to make sense of an online profile, so it’s essential to keep the URLs as short as possible. Keeping the URL short allows Google or other search engines to categorize exactly what type of online content your website has easily. Longer URLs allow for the opportunity to be misinterpreted and, in return, placed lower in search results.

 Mobile Friendly

In this day and age, practically everyone has a cellphone, which means your website better be mobile-friendly. A website that is slow-loading or difficult to navigate through can lead to low rankings. You need to make sure your site is both desktop and mobile accessible. This will help ensure higher online rankings.