Influencer Marketing: How to Use Influencers for Marketing

The best way to think of influencer marketing is by thinking about the old ways of marketing and incorporating it with the new ways. Essentially, it’s a hybrid of marketing. Old marketing uses content campaigns, while new marketing contains collaborations between brands and/or influencers. In the case of this article, it will be between influencers.

What is an influencer?

An influencer has the power to affect an audience’s purchasing decisions based on his/her position, relationship, or knowledge. An influencer is not a celebrity; rather they are someone who has built an audience based around their personal opinions. Their audience is usually people of a distinct niche and are viewed as experts within their niche.  

So, what is influencer marketing?  

Influencer marketing is a type of social media marketing that uses influencers to promote product mentions, brand awareness, services, or endorsements. This type of marketing works because of the trust the social influences have built with their followers.

How to make influencer marketing work:

Like any marketing campaign, influencer marketing takes planning and strategizing.

  • You’ll want to start by creating a plan on what type of niche you want to target in order to find the best influencer.  
  • Come up with a budget on what you can afford to pay the influencer(s)
  • Think about your expected ROI of your social influencer and how you’ll gauge the contributions of the influencer post
  • Develop your goals and message you want to be sent out
  • Find influencers. You can begin this quest by looking up similar products or services to the ones you’ll be marketing on social media and seeing which influencers promote them.
  • Finally, reach out a collaborate with the influencers. Does your influencer prefer monthly/quarterly/calls/emails/newsletters?
  • *Remember it’s essential to your marketing campaign to revise and refine your strategy once you’ve begun working with an influencer.