The Power of Native Ads

Native ads are engaging and seamlessly fit to a website making it feel like a natural part of the background. They are great for advertising because they don’t intrude on the viewer’s experience and do not set off any adblocking. In fact, more than half of Americans have at least one type of ad-blocking method. 

Native Advertising: a paid advertisement where the ad matches the website form, function, and feel of the content on which it appears. 

The power of Native Ads come from being able to blend with the background. It’s great for affiliate marketing because viewers see native ads as more trustworthy and engaging. 

What is the difference between native advertising and sponsored advertising?

For starters, native ads are a way for marketers to distribute their own content. Sponsored content, however, is an ad format that can be used by paid advertisers. 

How do you choose the right content for native campaigns?

Think like a reader. Instead of focusing only on what you want to sell, concentrate on what will give value to your readers. Remember it needs to be engaging to the reader, something they feel is worth viewing. For example, if you are trying to sell an all-wheel-drive car, then you may want to consider writing a native ad on the best road trips to take on the West Coast.

The ultimate key to success with native advertising is to deliver appealing content. Once you feel like your content is worthy it is time to test.

The Importance of Testing

A/B testing is essential to any successful campaign. It’s important to know if your creatives deliver on the goals set at the beginning and the only way to know is by different combinations. You should be trying different headlines, photos, and written content for each campaign.


Although Native ads are a great way to engage readers because they can adapt to the background of the page there is only a short window of time to grab the reader’s attention. Make sure to A/B test your content and have fun with creating your ad.